What's New Page


What's the buzz?

This is where you can read up on new things for items like links and pictures i have added to my site.As you can see,i've added a sketch gallery after my animation page.Its basically for the people who'll like to see some of the work i've done.

"Wars do not make one great"
"The Empire strikes back"

Recent updates section(a small summary..AO :18/04/2005

Hey there!I'm Baaack!Just when you thought i wasn't going to update anything on it and let it rot..i come back and screw ya mind.Well,as you can see i still like my homepage..even though its simple.As you can,i put up some rants and raves and also treat it like a blog at times,depending on what i wanna say i guess.

I have also added some new pages of concept art i did for my animation and also some fine art pieces (collages and anatomy studies). I'm hoping in the future that i will be able to use this website as both a personal homepage and a portfolio site where i can showcase my works.I'm aiming towards being a visualiser, a concept artist or storyboard artist when i start work in July.

So whats new?

Well,on a job related way,i'm working at the a DVD/CD shop in town..i know its no way an animation job but such is life when you need the money to take care of your parents and chip in in the finances.Hell,if i got a real animation job which i can make a career( as in live and breathe the company and actually look forward to working everyday),i don't really care how much it pays.Strange,whether i'm a student or at work,i'm still struggling.

As for socially,it is at a nill..i'm basically playing MMORPGs now,the one fav' being Everquest 2.Its pretty cool..as you can see,some of the pics are inspired from the game.I'm even on board helping out with the Everquest 2 fanvualt doing fan art.Its pretty cool..doesn't pay anything but i'm really loving it:)

For those who want to see the new art which i've been doing for the Everquest 2 fan vault..just follow the link: http://eq2vault.ign.com/screenshots/?category_select_id=cat_3